We were BLESSED, truly blessed, to go on a trip with my parents this spring to a little island (and by little I mean LITTLE: there is ONE runway at the airport, you land, and then U-turn on the same strip to get back to the airport. yeah, little.) called Providinciales. It is one of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Carribean, right by Cuba. It is breath-takingly beautiful, truly. Maybe the most beautiful water I have ever seen in my entire life - and God didn't have to do that. He didn't have to make things beautiful or in color or anything. But He did. And He wants us to enjoy it. That's who He is.
God really used this time to refresh both Ben and I. We had lots of time relaxing, doing fun things together (snorkeling, swimming, para-sailing), and doing some ministry with people we grew to love very quickly. They encouraged our hearts as they loved God with their lives and worshipped Him.
Isn't it neat to think about the body of Christ around the world, and how in meeting them there is an instantaneous bond/love between us because of our place as God's sons and daughters?!
Here are some highlight pictures: