Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i'll STOP! the world and melt with you

So, did you hear? God stopped the world for two days last week. Or at least the world of the people in the mid-west of the United States! Which includes us :) The damage: 3.5 inches of solid ice everywhere + rediculously cold tempuratures + 3 inches of snow = EMERGENCY TRAVEL ONLY. The roads were trecherous. Seriously, our world was an ice skating rink for those two days (and actually some parts continue to be even a week later!)
And while normally I like snow and cold until just around Christmas, I was actually quite thankful for the ice and snow last week. Also super thankful that I didn't have to drive/walk/move in it (poor Ben did though). I loved that there was enough to literally shut down schools and work everywhere pretty much for at least a day (or maybe two). I loved for just a moment our routine world wasn't so routine anymore. Two unscheduled days where nothing is planned and nothing really can be done was lovely. It was serene.
I got to relax, just be. Soak in some major couch time, do the things that I usually don't have time/make time for. I got to hang out with my husband the first day which was great as well. It was like a kiss on the cheak from the Lord to me. It just astounded me how the weather could just put a big PAUSE on almost everything. It was unlike anything I've experienced before.
I feel like God really gave me rest those days - spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. I got to ride around with Ben in his plow some so even then God provided really good times together. I think I needed it more than I knew at the time as things have been crazy with us - but He took care of me and I'm still praising Him for that a week later. Still praising Him for pressing PAUSE in our everyday, mid-west world.

Continuing to rest in His arms,

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